Provable Fairness

The ability to prove that the game was fair is crucial from both the player's and organizer's perspectives. However, simply ensuring the integrity and fairness of the draw itself is far from sufficient. What is the point of proving the fairness of the draw if neither the player nor the operator can prove that they sent or received funds, or even what decisions the player made during the game?

That is why we were the first to extend provability of game fairness to the entire game lifecycle - from ticket creation, through payment and result determination to prize payout. And if that wasn't enough, the fairness of each of these elements can be verified by anyone using ticket data and public information from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain. Below you can find details about how we achieved that.

1. Provability of Creating a Ticket

For every ticket ever created in the system, users can download a signed PDF document containing the ticket's receipt. This document includes all details such as the placed bets, payment address, ticket price, last allowed payment block height, and the amounts of potential prizes. Information included in the ticket PDF and publicly accessible information from the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Blockchain allow everyone to verify every aspect of the game, from ticket creation to prize payout. The signed PDF document proves that the ticket was created in our system, that the ticket contains bets of the user's choice, and finally, that the player agreed to the ticket details. If the player does not like the ticket they have created, they can simply decide not to pay for it.

2. Provability of Payment

First transaction made to the ticket payment address, in the correct amount and confirmed no later than in the last allowed payment block, is considered as the ticket payment. Anyone can easily determine hash of the block it was confirmed in, using publicly available Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Blockchain information. This way, we have proof of whether the ticket was paid correctly, thus played, or not.

3. Provability of the Fairness in Determining the Result (Draw)

The draw result is determined based on, among other factors, the block hash remaining unknown until the payment transaction is confirmed. This guarantees its unpredictability. Additionally, the result is calculated through the use of hashing functions and modulo divisions, which ensures a deterministic result calculation process and ensures an even distribution of drawn numbers. This proves that result determination process is fair.

Procedure of determining draw result is described in details in Game rules.

4. Provability of prize payout

By knowing the specified prize rates for each number of hits, it is straightforward to calculate the total prize amount for the ticket. The transaction in the amount corresponding to the ticket prize (if any) is sent from the official system's Signing and Payout Address to the first address on the list from which the ticket payment was made. Anyone can check if the blockchain contains the payout transaction. Existence of such transaction proves prize payout.